After Jesus’ revelation to the Samaritan woman that He is the Christ, the woman went back into the city to report about Jesus. The present passage records Jesus’ words with the disciples in the interim as well as the enthusiastic acceptance of Jesus by the Samaritans after they come out to meet Him. In the following narrative, the scene switches to Cana of Galilee, where Jesus has turned water to wine. Now, He performs yet another sign—healing the nobleman’s son.
Key Verse
Did You Know...?
1. Nobleman (4:46): The term usually refers to someone in the service of a king [ref] (in this instance, Herod Antipas, Tetrarch of Galilee and Perea).
2. Capernaum (4:46): The distance between Capernaum and Cana is at least 23 kilometers (14 miles).
3. Seventh hour (4:52) was probably equivalent to 1 p.m.
General Analysis
1. Compare and contrast how the Samaritans and the Galileans received Jesus.
Segment Analysis
1. Is doing the work of God as food to you? What does the metaphor of food suggest?
2a. Consider the context of Jesus’ message to the disciples. What is the harvest Jesus referred to?
2b. Where do you see yourself in this grand work of harvest?
3. What is Jesus’ point in quoting the saying in verse 37?
4. What was the final outcome of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman?
5. Observe the Samaritans’ progression of faith. Why is this significant?
6. Have you also reached the same conviction about Jesus?
7. How is the title the Samaritans ascribed to Jesus appropriate in light of how the Jews viewed Samaritans as Gentiles?
8. Explain the seeming contradiction between verses 44 and 45.
9. In what ways was this sign remarkable?
10. What does this sign show about Jesus?
11. What was the response to the sign?
12a. Why did Jesus make the comment in verse 48?
12b. What does this say about what He expects of us?