Paul has expounded on the exceedingly glorious nature of his ministry. Unlike the ministry under the old covenant, which brought condemnation and death, the ministry of the new covenant brings righteousness and life. Therefore, Paul is able to be so bold as preachers of the Lord Jesus Christ and servants to believers. Nevertheless, ministers of the gospel must face the often oppressive surroundings and cope with their own human limitations in their ministry. In the present passage, Paul ponders on the stark contrast between the surpassing power of God’s work and the frailty of the ministers. But Paul speaks triumphantly of the life of Jesus Christ that manifests itself through our lowliness and mortality.
Key Verse
Did You Know...?
- “I believed, and so I spoke” (4:13): These words are taken from Psalm 116:10.
- Guarantee (5:5): The word is a commercial term that signifies 1) a “pledge” which is later returned; 2) a “deposit” which pays part of the total debt and gives a legal claim; or 3) “earnest-money” ratifying a compact. It always implies an act which engages to something bigger.
This word is also used in2 Corinthians 1:22. - Judgment seat (5:10): the tribunal bench in the Roman courtroom where the governor sat while rendering judicial verdicts. [ref]
General Analysis
Segment Analysis
1. Identify the contrasts in this segment.
2. What are “treasure” and “jars of clay” metaphors of (v. 7)?
3. Explain what it means to carry in the body the death of Jesus (v. 10).
4. Recall an experience in which you felt keenly the life of Jesus at work even as you were carrying the death of Jesus.
5. Read the entire Psalm 116. How is the context of “I believed, and so I spoke” (Ps 116:10) in that psalm similar to the context of this passage?
6. What enables you to remain steadfast in faith when faced with hardship?
7. Why does Paul mention the resurrection in this segment?
8. Record the contrasting pairs in this segment.
9. What are the things that are seen and the things that are unseen?
10. How does this segment help you in your affliction?
11. Explain the metaphors of tent and building.
12. What is the role of the Spirit with respect to the current topic?
13. Cite an example from daily life that illustrates how we walk by faith rather than by sight.
14. What earnest wish is Paul speaking about in verse 8?
15. How do we make it our aim to please the Lord?
16. How does the future judgment factor into our goals and choices?