Having counseled specific groups on submission in the last passage, Peter summed up his exhortations with the command to do good and shun evil. In this passage, Peter continues this thought and and speaks to all believers about the blessings and significance of suffering for doing good. He urges us to remember and imitate Christ, who is the perfect model of suffering for righteousness’ sake.
Key Verse
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General Analysis
Segment Analysis
1a. According to verses 13 and 14, what are two kinds of fear?
1b. Why should we not be afraid?
2. What does it mean to sanctify the Lord God in our hearts? What does this have to do with suffering?
3a. What must we be always ready for?
3b. What lessons can we learn from verse 15 about witnessing? Explain the meaning of “with meekness and fear.”
3c. In what ways is the hope within you evident to those around you, so that they ask you the reason for your hope?
3d. Have you been asked about the reason for your hope and were not able to answer? What does that tell you about your faith?
4. Based on this paragraph, what lessons can we learn from Christ’s sufferings?
5. Explain the meaning of Christ preaching to the spirits in prison.
6. How does baptism save us?
7. How does suffering equip us to do the will of God?
8a. When a Christian chooses to live for the will of God, what kind of suffering will come to him? Have you gone through such suffering?
8b. Why should we not fear such suffering?
9. Explain verse 6.
10. How does verse 7 connect this paragraph to the previous paragraph?
11a. In view of the end of all things, what should our prayers be like?
11b. What reason does Peter give for the need for love? Explain your answer.
11c. What evidence is there that shows we love our brethren deeply?
12a. What gifts have your received from God? Have you used them to serve others? If so, have you done so “without grumbling” (9)?
12b. What is the goal of our service?
12c. How can we serve “as with the ability which God supplies”? In other words, how can God’s ability rather than our own effort be evident to others in our service so God can be glorified?