The next issue Paul addresses concerns food offered to idols. Apparently, some who were strong among the Corinthians chose to eat in idol’s temples. While they could justify their actions with the knowledge that idols are in fact not gods at all, their actions had become a stumbling block to the weak brethren. Over this and the following two chapters, Paul not only answers the question of eating food offered to idols but puts forward key guiding principles that Christians should bear in mind in making choices.
Key Verse
Did You Know...?
- At the Jerusalem council, the apostles and elders had reached the decision under the Spirit’s guidance that Gentiles believers were not required to be circumcised. But they still must keep themselves from certain things, one of which is food offered to idols (Acts 15:28–29).
- Encouraged (10): The word is the same as that which is translated “build up” in verse 1. Paul’s use of the same word may be deliberate to heighten the contrast between the word’s positive meaning in verse 1 and its negative sense in verse 10.
General Analysis
1. How does the first segment (vv. 1–3) relate to the rest of the chapter?
Segment Analysis
1. How does knowledge puff up?
2. How does love build up?
3. How does building up stand in contrast to being puffed up?
4. Explain the meaning of verse 2.
5. What does it mean to be known by God? See Ex 33:17; Ps 1:6, 37:18; Nah 1:7;
2 Tim 2:19. -
6. What contrast is conveyed in verses 2 and 3?
7. Is knowledge a bad thing? What is Paul teaching us about knowledge?
8. What is the point of this segment in terms of food offered to idols?
9. In what sense is the conscience of the weaker one defiled (v. 7) or wounded (v. 12)?
10a. What right have you had to give up for the sake of someone weaker?
10b. Cite some present-day examples of giving up our rights out of consideration for others.
11. Why does Paul remind the reader that the brother is someone “for whom Christ died”?
12. Is the teaching about not stumbling others telling us to please everyone? Please explain.