In this chapter of Corinthians, Paul turns his attention from the question of food offered to idols to two different topics: the covering of head for a wife and the proper manner when partaking the Holy Communion. While these two new topics do not seem to be related, both pertain to order during church gatherings.
Did You Know...?
- “Wife” and “husband”: These two Greek words may also be translated “woman” and “man”
- “The covering of the head is an emblem found in sculptural representation in the late republic and under Augustus, where the palla is pulled up over the top of the head. This became an emblem for modesty and chastity.” [ref]
- “A wife ought to have a symbol of authority on her head” (11:10): “Symbol” is not in the original. This sentence can be translated more accurately as “A wife ought to have authority on the head.”
- “The Lord’s supper” (11:20): This is the name commonly given to the sacrament of Holy Communion.
General Analysis
1. What does Paul commend the Corinthians for? What does he not commend them for?
Segment Analysis
1a. What does being the head imply?
1b. What does it mean that the head of the wife is her husband?
2. Why does Paul mention that the head of Christ is God?
3a. Why should a wife cover her head when praying or prophesying?
3b. Why should a husband not cover his head?
4. What lesson can husbands learn from the truth that they are the image and glory of God?
5. What is the point of verses 8 and 9?
6a. How should a wife today “have authority on the head” [ref] (10)?
6b. What does the phrase “because of the angels” mean (10)?
7. How do verses 11 and 12 provide a new perspective for believers with respect to the relationship between a husband and a wife?
8. What was the problem in the Corinthian church with regards to the Holy Communion?
9. Why do you think Paul recalls the night when the Lord instituted the Holy Communion?
10. Explain the purpose of partaking of the Holy Communion.
11. How do we partake of the Holy Communion in a worthy manner?
12. Why does failure to discern the body and blood of the Lord incur God’s judgment?