According to the Lord’s instructions, the disciples returned to Jerusalem to wait for the promised Holy Spirit. In the meantime, they also chose Matthias to take the place of Judas. With all things in place and being of one accord in prayer, the disciples were now ready to receive the power from above.
Key Verse
Did You Know...?
1. A Sabbath’s day journey (1:12): According to rabbinical teaching, a person should travel no more than 2,000 cubits, which is about one kilometer or two-thirds of a mile, on a Sabbath day (This reasoning was derived from interpretations of passages such as Ex 16:29 and Num 35:5).
2. Upper room (1:13): Upper rooms in Palestinian homes were usually the choicest rooms because they were more secluded from the crowded streets below. They often served as places of assembly, study, and prayer.
3. “Akel Dama” (1:19) means “Field of Blood.” It was a potter’s field used to bury strangers (Mt 27:5-8).
4. They cast their lots (1:26): The casting of lots was a ritual used in ancient times to make important decisions. This method was used by the high priest to select the scapegoat used on the Day of Atonement (Lev 16:8-10). Joshua also cast lots to allocate the land of Canaan to the various tribes (Num 26:55-56, Josh 14:2). This practice has been linked with the Urim and Thummin on the breastpiece of the high priest that were used to decide important matters (Ex 28:30). This practice was not completely random like flipping a coin because the decision was actually from the Lord (Prov 16:33). It was used on this occasion, coupled with prayer, to select a replacement for Judas. But, after the coming of the Holy Spirit, this practice was done away with. We now have the Spirit of God dwelling in us to personally guide us in decision-making.
General Analysis
Segment Analysis
1a. What did the disciples do after Jesus’ ascension?
1b. What important lessons can today’s church learn from their example?
2. Who did this group of disciples include?
3. Recall an experience in which you waited for God’s promise. What challenges did you face, and what lessons did you learn from that experience?
4. How many disciples gathered in Jerusalem?
5. What happened to Judas Iscariot after he had betrayed the Lord?
6a. What was required of an apostle?
6b. Applying this requirement to us today, what do we need to do to be an effective witness for Christ?
7. Who were the nominees, and who was finally chosen?
8. How is the account of the choosing of Matthias related to the passage of the last lesson?
9. Study the decision-making process that the disciples used. Applying this process to us, what components are essential in making decisions, especially those concerning the ministry?