The geographical setting at the beginning of this passage is Bethabara (or Bethany) beyond the Jordan, which was somewhere in the Judean wilderness (Jn 1:28). In the wilderness, John the Baptist carries out his ministry of baptizing and teaching in preparation of the one “coming after me” (Jn 1:27). First introduced in John 1:6–8, John the Baptist serves primarily in this Gospel as the witness for Jesus Christ. Here,his witnessing reaches its climax with his testimony of Jesus as the Lamb of God and the Son of God.
Key Verse
Did You Know...?
1. Priests and Levites (1:19) served in and around the temple in Jerusalem under the direction of the high priests, who made up the ruling party of the Sanhedrin, the central religious authority of the Jews.
2. “The Christ” (1:20, 25) means “the anointed.” In the Old Testament, this title was given to the king. Over time, the term (“Messiah” in Hebrew) came to designate the future king who would come from the line of David and bring salvation to the nation of Israel.
3. Pharisees (1:24): The Pharisees were a religious group marked by separation from ritual uncleanness and strict observance of the laws of Moses. They exerted great influence during the New Testament period.
4. The exact location of “Bethabara beyond the Jordan” (1:28) is unknown despite various attempts to identify this place.
5. The Lamb of God (1:29, 36): This expression is found in the Bible only in the first chapter of John. However, we may trace its roots back to the Passover lamb, which was slain to protect the Israelites from death on the eve of the Exodus (Ex 12:1–28). It is with this background in mind that Paul writes, “Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us” (1 Cor 5:7). Another reference to the Messiah as a lamb is found in Isaiah’s prophecy of the suffering Servant (Isa 53:7). This simile has likewise been applied to the Lord Jesus (Acts 8:32–35;
General Analysis
1. 1. How is the theme of “identity” central to this passage?
2. 2. How is “identity” important in this world? How do you identify yourself? How do you identify Jesus?
Segment Analysis
1. What questions did the delegation of the Jews ask John?
2. Why do you think they pressed John for his identity?
3. The wording “He confessed, and did not deny, but confessed…” in verse 20 is emphatic. John was unequivocal about who he was not. Why are we sometimes hesitant to confess who we are not?
4. Explain John’s words about who he was. What can we learn from John’s view of himself?
5. What can we learn about John’s baptism from the question posed by the delegates of the Pharisees (25)?
6. How does John the Baptist compare himself to the coming One?
7. What can you learn from John with respect to your attitude toward the Lord Jesus?
8. John denied that he was the Elijah. Why, then, did Jesus say that John was actually the Elijah (Mt 17:10–13)?
9. In what ways do we also share a similar role as John the Baptist?
10. How is “the Lamb of God” a fitting metaphor for the Lord Jesus?
11. What was the purpose of John’s baptism?
12. How is the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus related to His identity as the Son of God?
13. How do the children of God also follow Christ’s pattern in this respect?
14. What does it mean that Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit? What does it mean for us to be baptized with the Holy Spirit?