As we move into the letter’s lengthy conclusion, we see a noticeable shift in tone. Paul now speaks mostly in personal terms, writing about his current situation and plans as well as mentioning numerous names of members and coworkers in his final greetings. Similar to the opening of the letter, Paul once again writes about his calling as a minister of the gospel. It is on this basis that he has written to the believers in Rome very boldly and preached from city to city. Even his closing doxology is intimately tied to the message and goal of the gospel.
Key Verse
(15:24, ESV)
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General Analysis
Segment Analysis
1a. How does Paul’s calling determine his actions and choices?
1b. What can we learn from Paul in shaping our own goals in life?
2. What does Paul say about his relationship with God when he speaks of his ministry?
3. What is Paul’s plan according to this segment?
4a. How did the churches in Macedonia and Achaia exemplify unity in the body of Christ?
4b. What are some ways we can assist other churches around the globe?
5. What does it mean to strive together in prayers?
6. How would you welcome someone “in a way worthy of the saints”?
7a. Record the numerous descriptions Paul writes about the various individuals mentioned in his greetings.
7b. What are some of the lessons we can learn from these descriptions?
8. What problem does Paul address in this segment?
9a. In what ways would a divisive person do things to serve his own appetite?
9b. What does this teach us about our motive and action in the church?
10. Explain how we should be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil.
11a. Paul writes that God will soon crush Satan under the feet of the believers. What do you think this means?
11b. How will you be the means by which God crushes Satan?
12a. Record what Paul says about God is in this doxology.
12b. What does it mean to you personally that God is able to strengthen you?