After the narrative of Judah, the story returns its focus back to Joseph. The passage centers upon Joseph’s life journey from a slave in Potiphar’s house to a prisoner in Pharaoh’s prison. The account serves as a reminder for us about God who continually guides us and prepares us for His plan in the midst of hardships and persecutions.
Key Verse
Did You Know...?
- The Egyptian (39:2): The word literally can be translated in Hebrew as “a man of Mitzraim (Egypt).”
- Overseer (39:4): The Egyptian monuments proved the existence of such an officer in wealthy houses at an early period.
In Hebrew, “overseer” can also be translated as “an officer” (1 Kgs 11:28), “a governor” (2 Kgs 25:22) and “an official” (1 Chr 26:32). - “He put under his authority” (39:4): The phrase can literally be translated in Hebrew as “he gave into his hand everything which belonged to him.”
- “Handsome in form and appearance” (39:6): Such an expression in both Hebrew and Greek-Septuagint can be literally translated as “fair to be gazed at in his outward appearance and lovely or pleasant in his countenance.”
- “And it came to pass after these things” (39:7): By this time, Joseph had been nearly ten years in the house of Potiphar. Joseph was seventeen years old when he was sold to Potiphar (Gen 37:2, 36). The book of Genesis mentioned that Joseph was thirty years old when he entered the service of Pharaoh (Gen 41:46) and two years had already passed after the incident of Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker (Gen 41:1). Thus, the remaining eleven years, the difference between Joseph’s seventeenth year and his twenty-eighth year, were spent in both Potiphar’s house and the prison.
- “His master’s wife cast longing eyes” (39:7): The sentence literally can be translated in Hebrew as “his master’s wife lifted up her eyes toward Joseph” or “gazed at Joseph with desire.”
- “Lie with me” (39:7): Such an expression in Greek-Septuagint can be literally translated as “to be fall asleep with me,” with the context of ”to be lulled” or “to be put to sleep.”
- “She caught him by his garment” (39:12): According to historical evidence and testimony, Egyptian females were well-known for their licentiousness and immorality, even though they were married. In their marriage, they did not live in seclusion but were allowed freely in a promiscuous society. [ref]
- “It happened about this time” (39:11): The expression literally can be translated as “at this day” or “it one day happened.”
- “To be with her” (39:10): The phrase in Greek-Septuagint can literally be translated as “the fact of having a sexual relation with her.”
- The prison (39:20): Literally, the word in Hebrew can be translated as ”the round-house” or as “the strong military installation” according to the Greek-Septuagint.
- “Put him into the prison” (39:20): According to an ancient Greek historian, Diodorus Siculus, the laws of the Egyptians were severe in their penalties for crimes against women.
Joseph being put in the place where the king’s prisoners were confined, was considered a mild punishment in comparison to his serious charged-crimes against the wife of his master.
- Joseph In Potiphar’s House (39:1-6a)
- Joseph Refused The Seduction (39:6b-19)
- Joseph Was Thrown Into Prison (39:20-23)
General Analysis
Segment Analysis
1. How did Joseph’s descent to Egypt relate to the Lord’s prophecy given to Abraham in Gen 15:13?
2a. Throughout the passage, what was the significance of the phrase “The LORD was with him”: To Joseph’s personal relationship with God;
2b. To other people around Joseph;
3. What lesson can we learn about God’s faithfulness for His people from the phrase “the Lord was with him” in Gen 39? See also Gen 31:3; Deut 31:6; Josh 1:9 and Rom 16:17-20.
4a. Describe Joseph’s noteworthy work ethic toward his employer in the workplace.
4b. What lesson can we learn from Joseph’s work-ethics in the workplace? See also Eph 6:5-7.
5. How did Joseph’s godly character shape his relationship with his employer in the workplace?
6. How did the blessings of the Lord to Joseph in Gen 39:5 fulfill the prophecy of God to Abraham in Gen 12:2-3?
7. Compare the description of Joseph’s physical appearance to that of Rachel’s in Gen 29:17.
8a. From a worldly point of view, what were “the costs and the benefits” of refusing or accepting the offer of Potiphar’s wife? The costs of refusing the offer;
8b. The benefits of accepting the offer;
8c. The worldly-point-of-view conclusion;
9. In relation to Gen 39:7, how do the Scriptures warn us in regards to lusting over someone? See also Prov 6:25 and Mt 5:28.
10. What were the differences between the temptation of Joseph with the temptation of David in
2 Sam 11:2-5. -
11. By following Joseph’s example, how should we handle the immoral entanglements in our lives? See also
2 Tim 2:22, 26; 1 Cor 10:12 and 1 Cor 15:33. -
12. How did Joseph counteract the schemes of Potiphar’s wife?
13a. How did Joseph’s refusal to lie with the wife of Potiphar reveal his faithfulness to: To himself;
13b. To Potiphar;
13c. To the wife of Potiphar;
13d. To the Lord;
14. From Joseph’s conviction to avoid committing a great wickedness against God, what motivates us to live a clean and holy life? See also
1 Jn 5:1-3; 2 Cor 7:1 and Heb 11:6. -
15a. How did Potiphar’s wife manipulate her own story to attack: Potiphar: See Gen 39:14, 17, 19.
15b. Joseph: See Gen 39:14;
16a. How did Potiphar’s wife manipulate her surroundings to expedite Joseph’s judgment? By playing the victim;
16b. By provocating the men of the house;
16c. By inciting Potiphar’s anger;
17. In remembering Joseph’s previous dreams in Gen 37:5, 9, if you were Joseph, how you might feel angry and regret toward the Lord?
18. From the book of Genesis 39:21, what lesson can we learn from the phrase “but the Lord” in relation to the challenges in our life? See also Judg 6:23; Ps 34:19 and
2 Tim 4:17-18. -
19a. Describe the attitude of Joseph when he was being put in prison: Joseph’s attitude toward the keeper of the prison;
19b. Joseph’s attitude toward his fellow prisoners;
20. From the example of Joseph, how do we know that hardships and difficulties do not equate to God’s curse or God’s carelessness upon us? See also
2 Tim 3:12 and 2 Cor 12:9-10.