Jesus and His disciples have remained in Judea and baptized. Knowing what the Pharisees have heard about His baptizing ministry, Jesus leaves Judea to return to Galilee. The story of the present passage takes place while Jesus and His disciples are passing through Samaria.
Key Verse
Did You Know...?
1. “Through Samaria” (4:4): This was the usual route from Judea to Galilee.
2. Sychar (4:5): Several sites have been suggested, one of which is modern Askar, about 1 km (0.6 mi) north of Jacob’s well on the eastern slope of Mt. Ebal. [ref]
3. The plot of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph (4:5) was probably the land at Shechem which Jacob had bought from the Sons of Hamor (Gen 33:18, 19; cf. Gen 48:21, 22; Josh 24:32).
4. Jacob’s well (4:6) was measured at 41 meters (135 feet) deep. [ref]
5. The sixth hour (4:6) probably means noontime.
6. “Jews have no dealings with Samaritans” (4:9): The Jews and Samaritans were divided primarily over religious differences. While the Samaritans claimed to be descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh and keepers of the faith, the Jews viewed them as descendants of Assyrian colonists brought into the region (cf.
7. “Our fathers worshiped on this mountain” (4:20): The Samaritans regarded Mt. Gerizim as sacred because they believed that many significant events in the life of the patriarchs were associated with this mountain. According to Josephus, the Samaritans built a temple in 332 B.C., but it was destroyed by John Hyrcanus and the Jews in 129 B.C. [ref]
General Analysis
1. How is Jesus’ human and divine nature evident in this story?
Segment Analysis
1. What prompted Jesus to leave Judea?
2a. What kinds of barriers lay between Jesus and the Samaritan woman?
2b. Jesus broke all these barriers in order to reach out to this woman. What does this say about the Lord Jesus and about winning souls?
3a. Observe the progression in the dialogue between Jesus and the Samaritan woman. How did Jesus start His conversation with the Samaritan woman?
3b. What was the final note on which the conversation ended?
3c. What can we learn from the Lord in the way we share the gospel with others?
4a. What is the gift of God and the living water Jesus spoke about?
4b. Explain the spiritual effect that results from drinking the living water.
4c. What do we need to do to receive this living water?
5. Why did Jesus reveal the woman’s personal life?
6a. Concluding that Jesus was a prophet, the Samaritan woman shifted the subject to the religious differences between Samaritans and Jews. What distinction did Jesus draw in verse 22?
6b. In response to the woman’s comment, what did Jesus teach about the place of worship?
6c. What does it mean to worship God the Father in Spirit and truth?
6d. How do you worship the Father in your daily life?
7. How does the discussion on true worship relate to Jesus’ final revelation that He is the Christ?
8. Observe the woman’s actions upon learning that Jesus was the Christ. What lessons can we learn from this?