Jesus first appeared to Mary after His resurrection. Then He appeared twice to the disciples while they were behind closed doors, the second time particularly for the benefit of Thomas. Chapter 21, the epilogue of the Gospel, narrates yet another appearance of Jesus to the disciples. The setting now is the Sea of Tiberias, where the disciples have gone fishing. After the disciples have toiled all night without catching anything, Jesus manifests His power and gives them a miraculous catch. On this occasion, the Lord Jesus entrusts Peter the important pastoral commission and renews Peter’s commitment to follow the Lord.
Key Verse
Did You Know...?
1. Sea of Tiberias (21:1) is another name for the Sea of Galilee ( Jn 6:1).
2. Put on (21:7): The Greek verb means to “tie around.” We may infer from this word that Peter probably put a belt around his garment so he could swim ashore.
3. Two hundred cubits (21:8) is about one hundred yards.
General Analysis
1. Compare this story with Lk 5:1–11. What similarities and contrasts do you see?
Segment Analysis
1. What feelings do you get out of verse 3?
2. What do you think made the disciple whom Jesus loved realize that it was the Lord? What does his recognition of the Lord tell you about him?
3. What is the point of the comment in verse 11?
4. Why do you think the disciples dared not ask Jesus who He was?
5. What did you learn about the Lord Jesus from what He said and did in this segment?
6a. Why did the Lord Jesus ask Peter if he loved Him?
6b. What was Jesus’ point for repeating His question and command three times?
7. What does it mean to feed or tend the Lord’s sheep?
8. What essential qualities are required to care for the Lord’s sheep?
9. Why is it important to remind ourselves that the sheep and lambs we care for are the Lord’s?
10a. What difference in tone can you discern between “You know that I love you” (15–17) and “I will lay down my life for Your sake” (Jn 13:37)?
10b. What lesson can we learn from this change in attitude?
11. How does Jesus’ prediction concerning Peter’s old age relate to what He had entrusted Peter with?
12. Peter’s death would bring glory to God. What does this reveal about the sufferings that come our way?
13. What do you learn from this passage about the meaning of following the Lord Jesus?
14. What lesson did the Lord teach Peter here about discipleship?
15. Why is the testimony of the disciple important to this book?