Seeing that the people seek Him only to be satisfied with bread, the Lord Jesus begins teaching them to believe in Him as the bread of life. This study continues with the rest of Jesus’ discourse in Capernaum. At the same time, a significant part of the passage directs our attention to the diverging responses of the unbelievers and true disciples.
Key Verse
Did You Know...?
1. “And they shall all be taught by God” (6:45): This quotation is from Isa 54:13, and possibly also alludes to Jer 31:34.
General Analysis
1. Record the responses of the Jews and unbelieving disciples to Jesus’ discourse.
2. What kinds of hurdles kept them from believing in the Lord?
3. Note the repeated mention of manna in the passage. What is Jesus’ purpose for making reference to manna?
4. Record the promises Jesus makes for the present as well as for the future.
Segment Analysis
1. How are Jesus’ words in 44–46 a response to the complaint of the Jews?
2. What does it mean that Jesus is the “living” bread (51)?
3. How can we eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood?
4. Reflect on how we can feed on the Lord Jesus (57) in our daily lives.
5. Do you also sometimes find Jesus’ words “offensive”? Give some examples.
6. Why does the Lord ask the question in verse 62?
7. Explain the contrast between Spirit and flesh (63).
8. If the flesh profits nothing (63), why does our Lord teach us to eat His flesh?
9. How are Jesus’ spoken words spirit and life?
10. What was Jesus’ view about the people’s unbelief?
11. What makes you stay when you see other followers leave the Lord?
12. How does the mention of the betrayer fit into the context of this passage?