While God continued to work mightily to expand the church, the forces of evil also worked fiercely to oppose God’s work. Seeing that the apostles still preached the name of Jesus Christ despite the council’s earlier threat and how they had drawn a great multitude by the signs and wonders that had been done, the high priest and the Sadducees came and arrested the apostles for the second time. But with God’s help, the apostles stood dauntless against the council’s futile efforts to intimidate them.
Key Verse
Did You Know...?
1. Gamaliel (5:34) “was the most distinguished Jewish rabbi of this time. His fame is preserved in the Talmud. He was a grandson of Hillel, a still more famous teacher. Paul was his pupil (Acts 22:3).”
2. Theudas (5:36) was probably one of the rebel leaders who caused disorder in Palestine after the death of King Herod in A.D. 4.
3. Judas of Galilee (5:37): According to Josephus (Antiq. XVIII c. 1. sect. 1), Judas led a rebellion against the Roman government in A.D. 6 when Judah became a province of Rome. At that time, the governor of Syria, Quirinius, conducted a census (Lk 2:2) for the purpose of assessing tax, and Judas, claiming that this would lead to the enslavement of the Jews, started the rebellion. The rebels were quickly subdued by the Romans and their followers scattered.
General Analysis
1. Record what we can learn about God’s will from this passage.
Segment Analysis
1a. What was the reaction of the high priest and the Sadducees to the works of the apostles?
1b. Why did they react this way?
2. How did the Lord deliver the apostles from prison?
3. What was the angel’s instruction to the apostles?
4. If you were thrown into prison for sharing your faith, how would you feel? Would you continue to share your faith after your release?
5. How strongly do you believe that the gospel message we preach is the “word of life” (20)? How does this belief motivate you to preach the gospel?
6. What was it that angered the high priest the most?
7a. What were the main points of the apostles’ response to the council’s question?
7b. What did “obeying God” mean for the apostles?
8a. To whom does God give His Holy Spirit (32)? Why?
8b. How does this fact apply to us today when we pray for the fullness of the Holy Spirit?
9. What was the result of the apostles’ words? What does this tell us about the men in the council?
10a. Have you ever succumbed to men’s demands and gone against God’s command? Give an example.
10b. Why is it often difficult to obey God rather than men? What consequences do you need to be ready for if you decide to obey God rather than men?
11a. What was Gamaliel’s advice to the council?
11b. How is this advice applicable today?
12. What was the outcome of the trial?
13. How did the apostles respond to the threat and beating? Why?
14. What does verse 42 say about the frequency and duration of the apostle’s preaching?
15. What can we learn from the apostles?
16. What difficulties have you encountered in preaching about Jesus Christ? How do you deal with these difficulties?