The journey to Rome was long and treacherous, but God protected Paul and his fellow passengers throughout. Finally, Paul arrived at Rome, accompanied by the brethren in Italy who greeted him on the way to Rome. The final passage of Acts records Paul’s witnessing at Rome, first to the Jewish leaders, then to all who came to him.
Key Verse
Did You Know...?
1. “In the late forties Jews at Rome had been so sharply divided about Christianity that the Emperor Claudius banished them all from the city to stop the riots there… Having been expelled from Rome in 49 or 50 because of riots about Christianity in their community, and having only recently returned to their city after Claudius’s death in 54, [the Jewish leaders] were simply not prepared in 61 to become involved in Paul’s case one way or another.” [ref]
General Analysis
1. How is this passage an appropriate conclusion to Acts?
Segment Analysis
1a. Why did Paul gather the leaders of the Jews in Rome?
1b. What can we learn from Paul in this?
2. How were the Jewish leaders in Rome different from those in Jerusalem?
3. What was the subject of Paul’s preaching?
4a. How does Luke describe how eager and serious Paul was in his preaching?
4b. Do you have the same fervor when witnessing to others? What would motivate you to have such a fervor?
5. Paul persuaded them about Jesus from the Law of Moses and the Prophets. How would you use the Old Testament to show that Jesus is the Savior?
6. What were the Jewish leaders’ reaction to Paul’s preaching?
7. Paul stated, “The Holy Spirit spoke rightly through Isaiah….” What does this say about the Scriptures?
8. What was Paul’s point in quoting from the book of Isaiah?
9. What did Paul say about the new direction of Christian ministry?
10a. What did Paul do after the Jews dispersed?
10b. What can we learn from this in our preaching?
11. Where was Paul’s preaching and teaching ministry based? Why? How does this inspire you?
12. How are the words “with all confidence” and “no one forbidding” significant?
13. How do believers today continue where the apostles left off in Acts?