In this and the following two chapters of Corinthians, Paul discusses the use of gifts in the church. Along the same lines of order in the church stressed in chapter 11, Paul teaches that gifts are to be used for the edification of the church as a whole. The theme of chapter 12 is the diversity of gifts and the unity of the body of Christ.
Key Verse
Did You Know...?
“Spiritual gifts” (12:1): The word “gift” is added by the translators. The Greek simply has “concerning the spiritual.” The term “the spiritual” is used again in 14:1 where Paul teaches the believers to earnestly desire “the spiritual.” Apparently, the term means “the spiritual things,” namely, the gifts he mentions in chapter 12.
General Analysis
1. Identify the contrasting pairs in this chapter.
Segment Analysis
1. Why does Paul wish for the Corinthians to recall their former days as idol-worshippers?
2. Does verse 3 teach that everyone who professes the name of Jesus Christ has received the Holy Spirit?
3. What point is Paul making by stating that all the gifts originate from the same source?
4. What is the purpose of the gifts of the Spirit?
5. How is the human body an apt analogy for the church?
6. What does it mean that we were all baptized in one Spirit?
7. What does it mean that we were all made to drink of one Spirit?
8. What makes a member of the body think that he or she is more important than other members?
9. Why is it important to remember that there are many members and a variety of gifts (vv. 14–20)?
10. How do we members of Christ’s body show the same care for one another?
11. In your experience, what are important qualities in working with other members?
12. Verses 28 and 30 are often cited as the basis for the argument that not everyone who receives the Holy Spirit speaks in tongues. How would you answer this argument?