When there was famine in the land where Isaac stayed, he went to Gerar. Here, the passage focused on the conflict between the people of Gerar and Isaac’s servants and how Isaac responded to the pressured situation. The chapter will teach us about forgiving our enemy and reserving wrath and revenge for the Lord.
Key Verse
Did You Know...?
- Abimelech (26:1), which literally means “Father is the king,” may be a throne title among the rulers at Gerar, as in Egypt’s practice of “pharaoh.” [ref]
- A hundredfold (26:12) can literally be translated in Hebrew as “a hundred measures,” i.e. a multiple of 100-times an amount of seed invested.
- Esek (26:20) literally means “contention” in Hebrew.
- Sitnah (26:21) can be literally translated in Hebrew as “hostility.”
- Rehoboth (26:22) in Hebrew is literally translated as “broad places.”
- Shebah (26:33) has a similar pronunciation with the word “oath” in Hebrew.
- “Grief of mind” (26:35): This phrase in Hebrew can be literally translated as “bitterness of spirit.”
General Analysis
1a. Describe the similarity of events between Abraham and Isaac when they were in Gerar. See Gen 20:1-18 and 21:22-34. To Sarah and to Rebekah;
1b. The purpose of the covenant from the king of Gerar;
1c. To the well of water;
1d. The place of the covenant;
Segment Analysis
1. Why did God appear to Isaac during a famine in the land?
2. List the similarities between the promise of God to Isaac and to Abraham in Genesis 22.
3a. How did God’s repeated promises make a deep impression upon Isaac in relation to his past event in Genesis 22?
3b. What was the purpose of the repeated promises of God to Isaac?
4a. What contrast do we see between Genesis 26:3 with Genesis 26:7?
4b. What lesson do we learn from the above contrast?
5. How did the words of Isaac and Abimelech in Genesis 26:9, 10 reflect their characteristics?
6. How was the providence of God with Isaac and Rebekah when they were in Gerar?
7a. How did the Lord bless Isaac in the land of Gerar?
7b. How did the Philistines and Abimelech react to Isaac’s blessings? What did they do to Isaac to reflect their reactions?
7c. Share an experience of how you might have been intimidated, rejected or persecuted due to the blessing of the Lord in your life.
7d. What lesson do we learn from the danger of envy?
8a. How did Isaac respond to the Philistines’ and Abimelech’s reactions?
8b. What can we learn about conflict handling from Isaac’s responses to the Philistines’ reactions?
9. How did the Lord comfort Isaac in the midst of conflict?
10. How was Isaac’s reaction toward God’s promises in Genesis 26:23-25 different from the one in Genesis 26:3-6? What made it different?
11a. Who did Abimelech bring along to see Isaac?
11b. Why did Abimelech come to Isaac?
11c. What did Abimelech see in Isaac that made him come to Isaac?
12a. How did Isaac react to Abimelech’s arrival and proposal?
12b. What lesson can we learn from Isaac’s acceptance of Abimelech about forgiveness?
13. How did one see the protection and blessing of the Lord from the covenant between Abimelech and Isaac and the finding of the well?
14. Who did Esau take as wives when he was forty years old?
15. How did Isaac and Rebekah consider the two wives of Esau?
16. What lesson can we learn between marriage life and keeping a filial relationship with our parents?