The author has drawn a clear distinction between the false believers and true believers. He also assures the true believers of their knowledge of the true gospel and the promise of eternal life. In this and the following sections, he calls the believers “children of God” and emphasizes again the theme of living a life that imitates Christ.
Key Verse
Did You Know...?
General Analysis
1. According to this passage, what characterize the children of God?
Segment Analysis
1a. What is the tone of 3:1?
1b. What is the author asking his readers to behold?
1c. What significance does the declaration that we are the beloved children of God have on subsequent teachings?
2a. How does the world not know God?
2b. What does it mean that “the world does not know us”? In your daily life, do you experience this feeling of being a stranger to the world?
3. Explain the teaching in verse 2 about our future likeness.
4. What is the connection between verses 2 and 3?
5. How can we purify ourselves?
6. Record your observations about the following a. A definition of sin b. Source of sin c. Power over sin d. An example of sin
7. Isn’t verse 7 contradictory to justification by faith alone? (See Rom 3:20-28)
8. How does Christ destroy the works of the devil?
9. What does this passage say about the children of the devil?
10. Does verse 9 teach that believers never commit sin in their lives?
11. What is the seed that is in the believer?
Final Thoughts
12. How does the coming of Christ inspire you in your walk of faith?