The events of the present passage take place after Jesus’ visit to Jerusalem and his discussion with Nicodemus. The geographical setting is Judea, where John the Baptist and Jesus work concurrently for a period of time. This sets the background for the final recorded testimony of the Baptist in the Gospel.
Key Verse
Did You Know...?
1. Aenon (3:23) means “springs.” Its location is disputed.
General Analysis
Segment Analysis
1. We are given little information about Jesus’ baptism (v. 22). But on what basis do we know that this baptism is different from the baptism the disciples were to perform later after the descent of the Holy Spirit?
2. What does the fact that John continued to baptize at this time say about the nature of Jesus’ baptism?
3. Reading between the lines and looking at the context, what do you think was the point of the report in verse 26?
4. How do issues like these get in the way of the ministry today?
5. Identify pairs of contrasts in this segment.
6. Why, according to John the Baptist, was he not surprised at Jesus’ increasing greatness?
7. What was the understanding of John the Baptist about his own role?
8. What can we learn from John the Baptist about the attitude in serving God?
9a. What does this segment teach about the testimony of Jesus Christ in terms of: Its origin?
9b. Its trustworthiness?
9c. Its reception and outcome?
10. How did you come to hear the testimony of the Son of God? What made you believe the testimony?
11. Both John the Baptist and Jesus had been sent to do the work of God (3:28, 34), although their roles were so different. What have you learned from this passage about serving as a witness sent by God?