When Isaac grew up, the Lord began to test Abraham by commanding him to sacrifice his son as a burnt offering. The passage gives in detail about Abraham’s decision in response to God’s words. This event teaches us that faith may involve doing and obeying God’s command that contradict to our personal interests.
Key Verse
Did You Know...?
- Moriah (22:2) is probably considered as one of the hills of Jerusalem. Here, Solomon’s temple was built, on the site that had been the threshing-floor of Ornan the Jebusite (2 Sam 24:24, 25;
2 Chr 3:1). The exact location of the land of Moriah is probably north-east side and it is separated by the Tyropoean valley. [ref] - Offer him as a burnt offering (22:2): The practice of offering human sacrifices predominated among the early Chaldeans and Canaanites. [ref]
- “By Myself I have sworn” (22:16): The oath of God in this manner is spoken limited only to Abraham, the prophet Isaiah and the prophet Jeremiah (Isa 45:23; Jer 22:5, 49:13).
- Bethuel (22:23) in Hebrew can literally be translated as “man of God.”
General Analysis
Segment Analysis
1. Why did God test Abraham?
2. Record the purposes of God’s test from the Scriptures. See Ex 16:4; Deut 8:2, 16 and 13:3.
3. How did God test Abraham’s relationship with Isaac? What was the prevailing contrast between Abraham’s feeling and God’s command?
4. In spite of the conflict of interest, how did Abraham respond to God’s command?
5a. What did Abraham say to his young men regarding the journey? And what did Abraham say to Isaac in reply to his question of the burnt offering?
5b. What can we learn about faith from Abraham’s reply to the young men and to Isaac? See also Heb 11:17-19.
6. What can we learn from Isaac’s obedience in letting himself be bound for a burnt offering?
7a. How was the act of God in intervening the slaying of Isaac for a burnt offering viewed by: God;
7b. Abraham;
7c. Isaac;
8. Share an experience where God has become a Provider in your desperate moment.
9a. How was God’s promise in Genesis 22:17-18 different from the previous one in Genesis 17:5, 6, 16?
9b. What can we learn today from such an emphasis?
10. What was the significance of the narrative in Genesis 22:20-24?