According to His foreordained hour, Jesus loved His disciples with one final act of love: He washed His disciples’ feet. He then commanded them to do the same, thereby establishing the sacrament of footwashing as the means to have a part with Him. He also bid them to wash one another’s feet, an action that reminds them to love one another. Through the exposure of Judas’ betrayal and the prediction of Peter’s denial, Jesus has made it plain to the disciples that His departure was at hand. To prepare them for the trial ahead, Jesus repeatedly reassures them that He will not leave them alone, but that He will come to them again. This lesson studies the first part of the lengthy discourses that span to the end of chapter 16.
Key Verse
Did You Know...?
1. Mansions (14:2): This word, which is literally, “dwellings,” is the same word as “home” in verse 23. It is from the verb, “dwell,” which is found in verses 10, 17, and 25.
2. Helper (14:16) denotes a person who appears in another’s behalf, and may also be translated as “mediator” or “intercessor.”
The NKJV renders the word “advocate” in
3. Judas (14:22): This was probably Judas, the son of James (Lk 6:16; Acts 1:13).
General Analysis
1. What promises did Jesus make in this passage?
2. Record what this passage teaches about the unity of Jesus with the Father.
3. What connections can you make between these key ideas in the passage: “dwell,” “love,” and “keep the commandments”?
4. What does Jesus teach about the Holy Spirit?
Segment Analysis
1. How are Jesus’ words here a source of comfort and strength for you?
2. How does Jesus’ proclamation in verse 6 contradict the popular notion that all religions are essentially the same?
3. How do we walk on Jesus the way?
4. In what sense will believers do greater works than what Jesus had done?
5. What is the context of the promise that the Lord will do whatever we ask in His name?
6a. What is the thought behind the word “keep”?
6b. What does this teach us about our attitude in keeping Jesus’ commandments?
7. How is the Holy Spirit our Helper?
14:15–246a. What is the thought behind the word “keep”?
8. In what sense do we see the Lord today (18, 19, 21)?
9. Jesus promised, “Because I live, you will live also.” How is this a great encouragement for you?
10. How is Jesus’ promise that we would dwell with Him (verses 2–4) already beginning to be a reality for believers?
11. Share your experience of how the Holy Spirit teaches you and reminds you of Jesus’ words.
12. How is the peace which Jesus gives us different from the peace the world gives?
13. How has Jesus Himself demonstrated to us how we are to love God?